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Detachable Cobalt blue filter. Suitable for fluorescence examinations.
HEINE Finoff Transilluminator Kit 3.5V - BETA4 USB Rechargeable Handle + USB Cord + Plug-in Power Supply
HEINE Finoff Transilluminator Kit 3.5V - BETA4 NT Rechargeable Handle + NT4 table charger
XHL Xenon Halogen spare bulb #077 2.5V - X-001.88.077
XHL Xenon Halogen spare bulb #078 3.5V - X-002.88.078
Aperture with Cobalt blue filter - C-000.17.081
BETA4 NT Rechargeable Handle - X-007.99.396
BETA4 USB rechargeable handle - X-007.99.388
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